Work package 1 – 2D materials technology

Here we target the development of technology for two-dimensional (2d) van der Waals bonded superconductors. These materials can be made ultra-thin (few monolayers), which makes them a promising platform for the investigation of quantum phase slip phenomena. The work in Zurich will focus on magic-angle bi-layer graphene, which was recently found to host superconductivity in bi-layers with a very certain ‘magic’ twist-angle. The unusual and probably strongly correlated superconducting phase is highly tunable with gate voltage. The tunability allows for a fine tuning of the phase slip rate, an essential parameter for the envisioned application in metrology that form the core of the project.


Illustration of a twisted bilayer graphene device (© ETH Zurich/Peter Rickhaus).


The work in Regensburg will center around the more established 2d superconductor NbSe2. Using nanolithography, we will produce controlled nano-constrictions and nanowires in this material and push the quantum phase slip in this material towards the quantum coherent regime. In a second step the devices will be embedded into a cryogenic CMOS-environment, in order to operate the devices under well controlled conditions (together with work package 3). Finally, we will prepare arrays of phase-slip junctions and study collective and synchronization effects.


Encapsulated NbSe2 device with graphite contacts (© Universität Regensburg).