October 12, 2020 | Sebastian The Quantum e-leaps team has published tree new manuscripts, within three weeks, in the journal Physical Review B. A paper by Antonov et al. describes the detailed characterization of a novel type of ‘twin’ flux qubit developed within the e-leaps project. In this qubit phase slips occur on the central junction, when flux is tunneling between its two loops. This type of qubit may be particularly useful in the development of novel highly tunable non-dissipative metamaterial environments for quantum phase slip (QPS) devices. A second paper by E. Ilin et al. describes experiments and theory for long one-dimensional superconducting island chains where every second island can be tuned into the normal state through their different critical temperature. The work provides new insight into the physics of the superconductor-insulator transition in strongly disordered superconductors. A third paper by S. de Graaf describes new theory where the QPS dual to the well-known Fraunhofer interference in short Josephson junctions is derived for the first time in long QPS wires. The work discusses possible devices in which to demonstrate this effect experimentally, and the impact that charge noise can have on long QPS nanowires.